David Silenus
As usual, Democratic leadership — ie Pelosi & Schumer — is nowhere to be found … as Beyer points out, an intelligence briefing for the electors will only take a few days … more time is needed to sort out the situation …
““If we don’t act early, and soon, we run the risk of having an illegitimate president,” the freshman lawmaker said.
“That’s not good for Donald Trump and not good for America” …
““Let the electors see the appropriate evidence, and then vote,” he said.
“I personally have no proof there was interference by the Russians … but given the CIA’s well-considered report, the electors should see it.””
Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.): Electors should be briefed on intelligence reports about foreign interference in voting.
Source: Virginia congressman calls for delay in electoral college vote – The Washington Post