Trump Fully Engaged in Personal Pissing Contest with Most Isolated — Yet Connected — Ruler in East Asia

The remarks from the North’s Foreign Ministry came days after President-elect Donald J. Trump expressed doubts about the country’s missile capabilities.

So now Trump is fully engaged in a pissing contest with probably the most personally and politically isolated ruler in East Asia …

Good idea, douchebag …

As we’ve noted, a missile that can hit the US is the “holy grail” for the Kim regime …

but they can do plenty of damage with the delivery system for the warheads they currently have …

like hitting Seoul … or, even better, Japan, who everyone in East Asia still hates from WWII …

Don’t worry about the Trump / RPB “destroy American ASAP” campaign —

they’re going to be using nuclear weapons soon, and after that, it’s a whole new ballgame …

“Last Thursday, Antony J. Blinken, US deputy secretary of state, [ said ] North Korea had made “a qualitative improvement” in its missile capabilities over the past year …

North Korea has sought to develop by early 2018 miniaturized nuclear weapons that can fit atop a missile capable of reaching the United States,

Thae Yong-ho, a former North Korean diplomat, told the Yonhap news agency of South Korea on Sunday.

Thae, the No. 2 diplomat in the North Korean Embassy in London, defected to the South last summer.”

Seems like a reliable source … 🙂

As he pleasures Putin & Rexy-boy, he infuriates the Chinese over non-existent “evidence” …

Does he really think the Chinese are going to hold the Kim regime back ???

Not for too long, moron … then BOOM …

Source: North Korea, Rebuking Trump, Says It Can Test Long-Range Missile ‘Anytime’ – The New York Times